My Father, My Selfie

January 26, 2014

Greetings.  Readers of this blog have perhaps noticed that I have been disinclined to write in recent months.  When I first leapt into this blogosphere back in 2009, and felt like Sandra Bullock spinning terrified in Gravity, a Wolf, D.A. Wolf, came by like some virtual George Clooney (although with better dialogue to be sure) […]

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A Guide to Bad Dreams About Our Children

August 4, 2013

Given that I can’t really keep up with the demand for dream interpretation that I have been receiving and that I don’t have time to organize the material into a proper guidebook to nightmares about our children I have elected to take an interim step:  to offer nine blog posts dealing with the most common […]

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That Sinking Feeling—Dreams about Children Drowning

August 4, 2013

Below you will find a thread of dreams from youngest to older children involving water and drowning.  This is the most common category of nightmares I have received from parents so at the very least you are not alone in this nightmare. Some theories of dreaming include the notion that our brains naturally experience a […]

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Nightmares about Children Falling

August 4, 2013

The dreams below, organized from younger to older children, all involve kids falling.  It seems that when we fall asleep it is common to have the sensation of lightness or floating.  After sinking feelings and drowning dreams, dreams about flying and/or falling seem to be the second most common category. Some anthropologists have theorized that […]

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Nightmares of Children being Kidnapped or Chased

August 4, 2013

The dreams in this category all have to do with bad guys, monsters, scary animals or other malevolent forces abducting, chasing, harming and tormenting the dreamer’s child or children. This category of dreams could be called “Shadow” dreams insofar as they may be dealing with our own dark places, the aggression and cruelty that lurks […]

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Nightmares about Children Running Away or Being Neglected or Abandoned

August 4, 2013

In these dreams a terrified parent, often feeling helpless to stop it, witnesses a child in danger, running away, perhaps into traffic.  Other variations include realizing that one has forgotten or abandoned a child, or a supposedly trusted partner has neglected their responsibilities. Below are a series of dreams illustrating this theme.  The hope is […]

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Nightmares where Children Die

August 4, 2013

While it is absolutely horrifying to dream of the death of a child, which makes sense because the loss of a child truly is just about the worst thing a parent can experience, dreams about children dying are fairly common and could be thought of in a variety of ways. Firstly, it makes sense that […]

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Nightmares about Children Being Abused or Traumatized

August 4, 2013

While most nightmares seem to be a way that our unconscious works out feelings that aren’t easily comfortable in waking life, such as harm coming to our children, or even our own feelings of anger or aggression (which can lead to dreams of “bad guys,” etc.) sometimes dreams seem a little extra vivid when it […]

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Dreams about Children Poisoned

August 4, 2013

While not terribly frequent, I have received enough dreams with this theme to make a category: [Please note that I cannot continue to interpret individual dreams at this time, however if you read through these dreams you will very likely find insights into your own dream—and you will discover that you are not alone in […]

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Dreams where Families Fight

August 4, 2013

While not the most common theme in nightmares, if a reader has dreamed about families fighting and feuding perhaps the dreams below will add some insight to the reader’s own dream: [Please note that I cannot continue to interpret individual dreams at this time, however if you read through these dreams you will very likely […]

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