
May 11, 2011

As parents we deal with a lot of poop, first literally, later metaphorically—but still, it’s a lot of poop.  And yet the gold is in the poop. Fifty years ago this month, the artist Piero Manzoni produced 90 cans of Merda d’artista (Artist’s Shit).  He labeled and numbered his most fundamental work and sold it […]

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We Miz

May 4, 2011

A recent NY Times news story, “In a Mother’s Case, Reminders of Educational Inequalities,” by Peter Applebome plunged me into fetid shadows akin to Dickensian London and Victor Hugo’s Paris of injustice on the brink of revolution… the dark and shameful inequalities that define the American school landscape circa here and now. “Facts” are troublesome […]

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"Three Sisters," One Parent

April 27, 2011

Andy and I recently attended a performance of Chekhov’s Three Sisters.  As I mature, I find myself moved and fascinated by many of the things that once bored me to tears as a young, angry and impatient rebel with an allowance—a youth where I had the luxury of cynicism and grandiose artistic ambition, followed by […]

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Self Taught

April 20, 2011

A teacher I know recently said to me that they felt that, after three years at it, they were just starting to truly understand how to teach.  That made sense to me—as a past therapist had told me that her supervisor had told her that it takes seven years of practice before you truly know […]

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Dr. Rogers’ Neighborhood

April 13, 2011

I met Carl Rogers in a bookshop in Paris.  Well, I guess I didn’t actually “meet” him, but I did encounter him, by way of one of his books, “On Becoming a Person.” I was on my honeymoon, having been accepted into a doctoral program in psychology, knowing that my days working thanklessly at a […]

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Won’t you be my neighbor? And can we MAKE it a beautiful day in the hood?

April 6, 2011

A recent New Yorker article by Paul Tough, “The Poverty Clinic,” is wonderful and inspiring, although too narrowly titled in my view.  It is about a parenting hero, Dr. Nadine Burke, who is making a difference with some of our least supported and most hurt children and families; and it’s also about the effects of […]

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Not Yet Crossing

March 30, 2011

Last Sunday I was jogging my slowish move-the-chi jaunt through my neighborhood when up ahead I noticed a little boy on the other side of the street, running with all his might down his driveway, and then, with just as much force and momentum, slamming on his sneaker-footed breaks and lurching to a stop at […]

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A Little Love for the Very Very Nervous

March 23, 2011

A recent LA Times article by Mary MacVean about over-anxious parents in our age of hyper competition made a key point worth pondering:  if the majority of “experts” are telling us that we need to calm it down a notch (or three), why is it that we continue to parent like chickens with our heads […]

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Do drop in

March 16, 2011

You and I have spoken all these words but for the way we have to go, words are no preparation. I have one small drop of knowing in my soul. Let it dissolve in your ocean. Rumi

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A simple smile will do

March 9, 2011

All too often we feel lost, gloomy, unimportant and afraid.  As my intention is to join with your intention, whatever it may be, so that together we might participate and connect—that we might allow the obstacles of fear, alienation and meaninglessness to drop softly away like a child’s cheek relinquishing a tear, that we might […]

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