Please Receive Please Give

May 21, 2010

As much as I acknowledge and value my own feminine side, there are certain realms where I simply cannot tread, not in this incarnation as a man; one is labor and delivery, and the other is Sex and the City. That being said, and with all respect for the dark and unfathomable bonding that will […]

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Gone Guestin’

May 20, 2010

Today I have the honor of posting a guest blog over at Motherese.  Kristen is one of my favorite bloggers and an all around terrific spirit, and so I was thrilled when she invited me over her way. Please click and follow me over to Motherese to see what we’re talking about today, and if […]

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Taking the BM out of Bar Mitzvah

May 19, 2010

On this, the last day of Momalon’s five-for-ten, Theme: Yes, I turn to a right of passage that I tried with all my heart and soul to say “no” to, but failed. Today marks the 36th anniversary of my Bar Mitzvah, that strange day when, as a little Jewish boy, I had to stand up […]

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“Yes!” Buby said, “Yes Dahlink!”

May 18, 2010

My Buby told me that she had been “quite a lively dancer,” when she was young.  Even in her clunky chunky heels with a Darvon in her system she’d be game to step out onto a tennis court, or you’d find her planting fish-heads by some corn in our yard, “the way the Indian used […]

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The Postman Hardly Rang Once

May 17, 2010

Nearing the homestretch of Momalom’s five-for-ten challenge, the theme of lust knocks furtively upon Monday’s door… It was late in seventh grade when I was invited to my first “boy girl party.”  I was thrilled to be included, but the murmuring rumors about what might happen there echoing along the green linoleum corridors of Lincoln […]

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Grapes of a Mom’s Wrath

May 16, 2010

As Momalom throws down the gauntlet on the theme of lust, my mind drifts back to a time of innocence on the cusp of carnal knowledge, a time before men were from Mars and women from Venus, a time when more than one or two languid high school afternoons were spent with my girlfriend, listening […]

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That time when my dad was wrong

May 15, 2010

I’m eleven years old and I am in flight, having just launched off the upper level of the Allstate parking lot—sailing with handlebars raised to a setting sun. This is the perfect wheelie jump, dropping a couple of feet over a four-foot wide strip of round stones to the lower level of the Allstate parking […]

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A tale of two camps

May 14, 2010

The summer camp that my parents sent me to was a well-respected and venerable institution in the north woods of Wisconsin. The summer camp I went to, at least in my mind, was something more akin to a Nazi concentration camp. As a grown-up I might like to spend some time amongst the pines, “roughing […]

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Happy to say “Hello, Again”

May 13, 2010

I realize that today marks the one year anniversary from when I first set up this blog and clicked “publish.”  Looking back, it was May 13 of 2009 that I became “self-published.”  I am toying with the idea of self-publishing my Privilege of Parenting book, and I now look back to see the organic nature […]

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Casting an eye toward Happiness

May 12, 2010

A good number of us consciously interconnected bloggers are, thanks to Momalon, focusing today and tomorrow on the theme of happiness. And while I’m as likely as not to be reading Jung’s Red Book or some fairly obscure tome on art and shamans, I’m pretty bad at reading social cues—at mapping the “real” world (maybe […]

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