Where are my dudes?

February 20, 2010

Okay, so I’m a “sensitive guy,” but still I ask, in this teeming planet of six billion plus humans, half of the male gender, “where are my dudes?” A lot of men are rather unskilled and uncomfortable in talking about feelings, having feelings, or dealing with feelings.  This gets in the way of their relationships […]

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s u n f l o w e r s

February 19, 2010

You can read below if you like, but my “guest blog,” highly recommended, speaks for itself:  Please click:  Sunflowers (and then click on the little triangle to “play”) * I met Paul Alexander at NYU graduate film school.  To be honest, I had gotten into USC and NYU and chose the little dingy place on […]

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Politics of educational apartheid

February 18, 2010

Effective self-rule (i.e. true democracy) hinges on an educated and enlightened populace. I learn things over my children’s shoulders as they make their way through the excellent education that I did not get in elementary and high school.  One thing I learned recently is that a policy of “enclosure” in England during the industrial revolution […]

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Kid Flicks

February 17, 2010

By way of introduction, besides being Bruce’s wife and mom of Nate and Will, I’m also a film curator. For 17 years I ran the cinematheque at the UCLA Film and Television Archive, meaning I and a small team, created mini-film festivals for Los Angeles film goers 46 weeks of the year and screened the […]

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Men under the influence, wolves on the couch

February 16, 2010

Although I probably would have skipped The Wolfman if I didn’t have a son who’s a big horror fan, I have to admit that it was an old-school good time… albeit one that got my psychology brain thinking about darkness, aggression and male development in the context of post-modern life. Spoiler alert:  read no further […]

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Why you won’t hear much about wellness

February 15, 2010

There is mounting evidence that deep breathing (the essence of mindfulness meditation and the underpinning of yoga) is an effective treatment for anxiety, depression and a host of other issues. Yet who is going to spread the word on this?  Sure, I’m blogging about it in my little obscure corner of the collective—and I encourage […]

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Once upon a time 8 1/2 was a Fellini film and not a kid’s age… Happy Valentine’s Day

February 14, 2010

I have been largely remiss in this blog because I have not really admitted that I’ve learned almost everything I know about parenting (that is everything positive which I would care to share with others who sincerely try to be good parents) from my wife, Andy. I am no Prince Charming, nor Prince Hamlet, nor […]

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Who's our mommy, who's our daddy? Venus and the Man

February 13, 2010

The Walking Man recently sold at auction for over a hundred million dollars, more than any other art piece up until present times—and this leads me to believe that the attenuated, “modern” man striding forever forward into a future where he never arrives is an icon for the end of this “modern” age—a snapshot of […]

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miscarriage… an often overlooked or minimized loss

February 12, 2010

I had a professor who had done his doctoral project on miscarriage—after going through a miscarriage with his wife and discovering that there was very little support or acknowledgment for an event that, for he and his wife, had proven very difficult. A recent blog post by wholeselfcoach on her own miscarriage caught my attention […]

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No Parent Left Behind, No Teacher Left Behind

February 11, 2010

I’ve read my way around the blogosphere a fair amount, at least with regard to parenting issues, and it seems to me that childcare is in crisis.  This isn’t new, but what is new is that the formerly voiceless are now finding both voice—and each other—in blogs such as this one and countless others. As […]

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