Out of the White: the Red and the Green

December 22, 2009

It was just around now—a few days before Christmas, only back in the 1960’s, when my father’s holiday office party turned out to be a total bust.  He had planned for everything… except a blizzard.  And so, out of the blinding night snow came my father’s black Lincoln Continental with the rear, backward-opening, “suicide doors,” […]

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Through a Day Darkly—seeking spirit gold on the Winter Solstice

December 21, 2009

Happy Winter Solstice.  The day of this post, the darkest of the year, marks the halfway mark in my self-imposed year of blogging mindfully in the service of all our collective children.  Last June 21st, the summer solstice, I decided to step up and try to post something, every day, for a year.  My intention […]

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Searching for your true self? Check out your kindergarten pictures

December 20, 2009

While we are born with natural exuberance and the potential for radical authenticity, for better or worse the world works its magic on us and, over years, we become a product of that world.  Yet we often feel lost in this world and unsure about who we really are.  Perhaps we fantasize changing things up, […]

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Nerd World Parenting

December 19, 2009

As a blogger my key goal is to support parents to be their best Selves in the service of all our kids—both as good for our collective world, but also as a way to re-frame and re-think parenting itself as a path to happiness akin to Zen or yoga. I get feedback on the ideas […]

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Angels in the shadows

December 18, 2009

A woman I know runs a program to benefit at-risk and underserved kids.  She’s poured heart and soul into the program for nearly two decades, perhaps accruing spiritual wealth but certainly nothing in the way of material reward. Recently she learned that because of economic woes, the umbrella agency that hosts her program had to […]

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The drunks next door

December 17, 2009

I know someone who lives next door to an alcoholic mom and an alcoholic dad.  The older brother has already dropped out of high school and the younger child is at risk of falling between the cracks. The person I know, the one who lives next door to the troubled family, has reached out to […]

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The Killing Game vs. … The Bhagavad Gita?

December 16, 2009

In my home we, as parents, have tried to encourage non-violence.  Although countless parenting battles have been waged around cruelty between siblings, when it comes to violent video games I fear that we are losing the war. My key concerns about these games are:  1)    They are addictive, and exploit the brain for economic gain […]

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The walking wounded

December 15, 2009

Being our best Selves as parents means being containing, often in the face of intense feelings of hurt and anger in our children.  But how can we learn to be containing if we ourselves did not feel contained when we were developing?  Can we pick up a bowl-like sense of solidity along the paths of […]

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Parenting our money in the service of our kids

December 14, 2009

A recent post about money drew the following comment: “I was hoping for a post on how to get real with kids about money. I don’t want my girls to hate money or covet it, either. I want them to have a healthy relationship with money, so I was hoping for a post that dealt […]

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You’re not alone

December 13, 2009

A new mom was recently telling me about her first mommy and me class and the simple but powerful realization that she was not alone.  Gathered in a circle, she felt proud of all the babies, not just her own; she felt a sense of community and the dropping away of the dark patch that […]

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