Bless the light

December 12, 2009

Happy Hanukkah—to everyone who celebrates it as well as those who do not.  For those not up on their Judaica, the Jewish festival of lights marks the historical time when the Jews got to return to their temple, their sacred place of worship and sacrifice, and rededicate it in 165 BCE.  Part of the ritual […]

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Hierarchy of Cynicism

December 11, 2009

“Love is giving what you don’t have to someone who doesn’t want it.”  Jacques Lacan An interesting interchange between readers caught my attention and got me thinking about hierarchies of different sorts.  In response to a recent post about money (, in which I talked about wealth being ultimately spiritual, there was discussion in the […]

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Ice Capades

December 10, 2009

It’s been cold lately and the sound of heavy car doors slamming in the night across the street, and V-8 engines idling outside in wintry air conspired to take me back… back to being sixteen and in the back of Glenn’s old yellow Mustang, four friends cruising around looking for fun or adventure in the […]

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Invisible Children

December 9, 2009

A mom recently told me about a fundraiser that her daughter and several friends participated in to support “Invisible Children” in Uganda.  The kids slept without blankets or sleeping bags in a church, a small taste of discomfort to deepen their empathy for what fellow kids faced in far-off lands where being abducted is a […]

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Divorce and Parenting

December 8, 2009

Yesterday we looked at how the anima/animus, if left unconscious, can work with wounded narcissism to destroy trust and relationships.  Yet many relationships do end in break-ups, and many parents are left to be single parents, and so today we look at some tips and insights related to divorce. This is a thorny topic laced […]

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Sympathy for the Tiger—and the tigress: Understanding the rocks before our marriages hit them

December 7, 2009

Well the danger on the rocks is surely past Still I remain tied to the mast Could it be that I have found my home at last Home at last Steely Dan, “Home at Last” I don’t generally follow gossip, tabloids and the like, but when clients who are equally unlikely to be talking about […]

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Natural Exuberance

December 6, 2009

We’re all born with natural exuberance.  We are also wired for rage and fear, but we come into this world with an open spirit—ready to learn, grow and experience life.  Then we are socialized, shaped, reinforced and made to be logical and rational as the demands of parents, teachers and society tamp down our natural […]

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Parenting Children with Bipolar Disorder

December 5, 2009

A reader asks, “My 18 year old was diagnosed with Bi-Polar Disorder last year. He is adopted and has always been my “Orchid” child. Our divorce was almost more than he could handle emotionally and I think he got to a point that he could no longer stuff the pain. My son’s heart and spirit is […]

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December 4, 2009

Given that money is a huge issue for many, if not most, people, and that children are affected by the feelings of their parents—including fears that there is, or will not be, enough, it seemed like money might be a good topic to explore today. Before delving into pretty talk about the spiritual aspects of […]

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Discouraged Orchids-Encouraged Orchids

December 3, 2009

“The sponsor of the story was a white-haired woman in full evening dress, obviously a relic of the previous evening, for a tiara still clung to her head and a discouraged orchid expired from her shoulder.”  F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night. Having posted recently on the concept of Orchid Children (see:, this […]

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