
November 26, 2009

“If the only prayer you say in your whole life is ‘thank you,’ that would suffice.” 

(Meister Eckhart, 13th-Century Dominican Mystic)

So, thanks for reading.

I have written many things:  eighteen as yet unproduced screenplays and one as yet unpublished self-help book—a seven year labor of love that will or won’t find its way in the world, however, this blog has been transformative for me, and all the more so because I can feel the energy of those who gather virtually, often quietly, in the mutual cultivation of greater mindfulness placed in the service of all our collective children.

If we take a moment to contemplate why our spirits meet here in this potential space, we might appreciate that we are truly all interconnected—that we may feel scared, alone, exhausted, sad, angry and even hopeless at times, but we are also all in something together.  It’s the conscious awareness of inter-being that I find transporting, healing and inspiring. 

In this space, where I am free to be myself, to admit that I care about you, the reader, and your children, where I am free to admit my narcissism and strive to heal it by being of service as best I can, within the bounds of my limitations and introversion, where, free of commercial constraint and corporate second guessing about what people want to hear, we gather in spirit to support each other in viewing our world and all that is in it as sacred, beloved and illuminating—as akin to a child that teaches us at the same time that we tend to, and love, him and her.  

Giving is a cure for not having—it sends a message to the self that we do have.  No matter what other obstacles we face, we can always give love and we can always give thanks.  Saying, “thank you” to the universe affirms our well-being, our abundance and our deep Selves as givers of love, charity and gratitude.  To say an unqualified “thank you” for all that is, even in the midst of darkness, loneliness and despair, is a triumph of spirit.  If we can manage to live in our gratitude no matter what, our consciousness rises to meet, and align with, whatever actually IS.  There begins our optimal parenting and our good feelings that last.

Thus here, in a random parenting blog, I write deeply from within my gratitude—marveling at a world that teaches so cunningly with both its love and its anguish, a world ever unfolding and surprising, like our childen.

So, I dedicate today to you, my reader.  Not a blanket “readers,” but specifically to you who finds these words in this exact pulsing moment in time, just as I write them in a specific moment of kitchen clock ticking dark night stillness.  In joining me in loving, and wishing to serve, all our collective children, you join me in appreciating my own family and my children just as I join you in appreciating all those you specifically love… perhaps even realizing that we are ultimately but one family.  Thank you, not only for the spirit you send back to me which I feel and cannot help but appreciate, but thank you even more for the spirit and love you shower on all those you care about, known and seemingly unknown.

With Love, Namaste, Bruce

{ 9 comments… read them below or add one }

Laurie November 26, 2009 at 12:06 pm

Dear Bruce,
Thank you for sharing all your wisdom. I try to begin my day reading your blog so that I may be a better parent. Your tools and words help give me peace. Happy Thanksgiving.


BigLittleWolf November 26, 2009 at 4:52 pm

This: Giving is a cure for not having—it sends a message to the self that we do have. No matter what other obstacles we face, we can always give love and we can always give thanks.

Yes. Giving is, indeed, a cure for not having. And then we find that we have everything we truly need.

Happy holidays to you and your family. And thank you.



Stephanie November 26, 2009 at 11:15 pm

Love you too and a huge heap of gratitude for all your help and guidance over the years and in this blog. Thank you. Steph


jane November 26, 2009 at 11:31 pm

Thank you Bruce. Your words, which come from your heart, are truly a gift to all who read them or hear them. Happy Thanksgiving!


Aleta November 27, 2009 at 8:47 am

Dr. Bruce: I am a parent, even tho my daughter is 46 (you know her) and my son is 41. I value this blog and wish I had something like it years ago. Then it was Dr. Spock and A.S. Neill. Thanks for writing this.


privilegeofparenting November 27, 2009 at 10:16 pm

You guys are all too kind, but much appreciated—love right back everyone who comments, doesn’t comment, tries and joins me in the darker moments of falling short as well. Lest we get too positive, we’ll have to visit the Shadow side of things soon!


Katrina November 28, 2009 at 8:46 pm

Thank YOU, Bruce. I could not be more grateful for the understanding, the connectedness and the healing that you have brought to my life. Your authenticity, wisdom and wit resonate truth.


heidi November 29, 2009 at 8:28 am

i look forward to what you write everyday. please don’t stop.


krk December 1, 2009 at 2:15 pm

Thank you Bruce, and thank you all.


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